Chomsky’s Theory of Mind: Concepts and Contents


  • Mudasir Ahmad Tantray Govt. Maulana Azaz Memorial College Jammu



Mind; Chomsky; Thought; Analytical; Consciousness; Language; Brain.


Nowadays, it is very debatable among philosophers, psychologists, linguists and artificial intelligence scientists that what mind actually is, where it exists and how it works? Chomsky, the great philosopher and the main exponent of cognitive revolution tries to sketch the description of mind, its nature, mental processes, its structure as well as its relation with its other cognitive modules. It also examines innate and acquired knowledge of mind. In this paper, I shall argue about the capacities of the mind, why Chomsky called mind capacity as different from its ability and other faculties. This paper also describes the theories that are connected with the field of mind i.e, mind and language, linguistic mentalism, Modular mind, Cartesian mind, mind-body problem, Philosophical grammar, and thought processes like reasoning and perceptions. Firstly, I shall argue about, does Chomsky consider mind different from brain, consciousness and thought?  Secondly, does Chomsky consider mind as a separate concept or he regards it as the constituent of language only? And thirdly, how Chomsky responds to rationalists and empiricists?


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How to Cite

Tantray, M. A. (2023). Chomsky’s Theory of Mind: Concepts and Contents. Tattva Journal of Philosophy, 15(1), 19-43.