Legislative Note: Regulation 5(9) of the Combination Regulations under the Competition Act, 2002


  • Chauhan Deo Singh Krishna Assistant Professor (Senior Scale), College of Legal Studies, UPES, Dehradun




After the provisions relating to combinations under the Competition Act, 2002 were brought into force accompanied with the coming into force of the Competition Commission of India (Procedure in regard to the transaction of business relating to combinations) Regulations, a number of uncertainties cropped up with respect to its applicability. Even after amending the regulations, in February 2012, the affected sectors still grappled with certain ambiguities in the finer details. One such issue deals with partial acquisition of an enterprise under Regulation 5(9) which has been discussed in this paper. It has been argued that no parameters have been laid down as regards the determination of the ‘purpose’ of the transfer of assets in cases where the transaction does not specify an express purpose. There have also been issues with regard to interpretation of these regulations in as much as even a liberal interpretation of these regulations would render the objectives of these regulations unfulfilled. Also, the dissonance between the global and Indian interpretation of these Regulations has inconvenienced the stakeholders. Taking these issues into account, it has been concluded that appropriate guidelines should be laid down to ensure that ‘purpose’ of the transaction can be determined with certainty and unrelated transactions are not treated as forming part of the same transaction. It has also been concluded that following the internationally accepted position in this area of law may actually be a beneficial position to take. The paper subscribes to doctrinal research through the use of primary and secondary sources of information, which have been critically analysed.

Author Biography

Chauhan Deo Singh Krishna, Assistant Professor (Senior Scale), College of Legal Studies, UPES, Dehradun

Assistant Professor (Senior Scale),


MARK R. JOELSON, AN INTERNATIONAL ANTITRUST PRIMER 7 (Kluwer Law International, 3rded. 2006); T. RAMAPPA, COMPETITION LAW IN INDIA5 (Oxford University Press, 2nd ed. 2011).

COMPETITION COMMISSION OF INDIA, available at: http://www.cci.gov.in/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=18(last visited on Sep. 22, 2015).

BrahmDutt v. Union of India, A.I.R. 2005 S.C. 730.

The Competition Act, § 5.

COMPETITION COMMISSION OF INDIA, Notification S.O. 479 (E) of the Competition Commission of India, available at:http://www.cci.gov.in/images/media/notifications/SO479(E),480(E),481(E),482(E)240611.pdf (last visited on Sep. 22, 2015).

Tony Reeves & Dan Harrison, India’s New Merger Control Regime: When Do You Need to File, Antitrust, CLIFFORD CHANCE L.L.P.http://www.cliffordchance.com/content/dam/cliffordchance/PDF_2/Article_on_India_New_Merger_Control_Regime.pdf(last visited on Sep. 22, 2015).

M. P. JAIN & S. N. JAIN, PRINCIPLES OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW 269 (Lexis Nexis, 6thed. 2013).

Pallavi S. Shroff, India: Merger Control, Asia-Pacific Antitrust Review 2012, GLOBAL COMPETITION REVIEW http://www.globalcompetitionreview.com/reviews/42/sections/146/chapters/1646/india-merger-control/(last visited on Sep. 22, 2015).

Competition Commission of India, Notification S.O. 482(E) of the Competition Commission of India, available athttp://www.cci.gov.in/images/media/notifications/SO479(E),480(E),481(E),482(E)240611.pdf. (last visitedon Sep. 22, 2015).

Reeves & Harrison, supra note7at 97.



http://www.cci.gov.in/images/media/Regulations/CCI_Combination_Regulations_as_amended_upto_23_02_2012.pdf(last visited on Sep. 22, 2015).

Pratibha Jain, Shashank Gautam & Simone Reis, CCI Relaxes Notification Requirements!,MONEYCONTROL.COM http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_html_files/news_attachment/2012/M&A%20Edge%20Special_BMR%20Advi sors.pdf(last visited on Sep. 22, 2015).


COMPETITION COMMISSION OF INDIA, Commission Registration No. C-2011/12/14, http://www.cci.gov.in/May2011/OrderOfCommission/CombinationOrders/mitsuijan2012.pdf (last visited on Sep. 22, 2015).


C.f., Commission Consolidated Jurisdictional Notice under Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 on the Control of Concentrations between Undertakings (2008/C 95/01) available at http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:52008XC0416%2808%29 (last visited on Sep. 22, 2015).

Commission Consolidated Jurisdictional Notice under Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings (2008/C 95/01) available at: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:52008XC0416%2808%29.


Reeves & Harrison, supra note7.


Jain, Gautam & Reis, supra note 13.




How to Cite

Krishna, C. D. S. (2021). Legislative Note: Regulation 5(9) of the Combination Regulations under the Competition Act, 2002. Christ University Law Journal, 4(2), 197-204. https://doi.org/10.12728/culj.7.11