About the Journal

Tattva Journal of Philosophy seeks to facilitate critical study and in-depth reflection and analysis of issues, problems and concerns of human life, in order to further the directions and transformations human society needs to evolve into. It targets philosophers, educational institutions, research centres, social scientists, policymakers and any individual interested in and committed to human welfare.

Tattva Journal of Philosophy is a UGC-CARE Listed Journal. (Group I, Arts and Humanities)

Open Access Policy: This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition of open access.

Peer Review Policy: Tattva Journal of Philosophy is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal.

Publication Charges Policy: Tattva Journal of Philosophy does not levy any charges from the authors or from authors' institutions or from any funding agency for the publication of the articles.  This includes article processing charges (APCs), submission charges, page charges, colour charges or any instance where money is required to complete the publication process. TattvaJournal of Philosophy is fully funded by CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, India. 


Entanglements of Philosophy and Poetry: Contemporary Positions


Poetry and philosophy share at least one thing in common. It is that both are language dependent. Whatever form they may eventually take in the hands of the poet and philosopher they are constituted by and articulated through language. Therefore, it is not a surprise that both poets and philosophers have spent some of their most productive thinking on how their respective practical activity affects and is affected by language. From here on they diverge considerably. As reflected in the quotes at the beginning, philosophers are aware of the difficult relationship that poetry and philosophy shares. At times they are dismissive of each other, at other they think they have the same project, and sometimes want to keep their domains guarded even though they acknowledge each other’s existence and are respectful. They are certain though that they are distinct intellectual and creative activities in unique relationship to their notions of reality, truth, and beauty.

Read more about Entanglements of Philosophy and Poetry: Contemporary Positions

Current Issue

Vol. 16 No. 1 (2024): Tattva - Journal of Philosophy
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Tattva, Journal of Philosophy, seeks to facilitate critical study and in-depth reflection and analysis of issues, problems and concerns of human life, in order to further the directions and transformations human society needs to evolve into. It targets philosophers, educational institutions, research centres, social scientists, policymakers and any individual interested in and commitment to human welfare.

Articles are invited by authors from all areas of Philosophy. Tattva has two issues per year.

Tattva is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal.