The Emerging Trends in the Bio-Diversity of Bats in Tamil Nadu


  • Juliet Vanitharani Sarah Tucker College, Tirunelveli



The news media, legends, 101k lore, television, movies and storybooks
perpetuate myths. 'Fears about bots' a surprising number of people believe.
Bots are instantly recognised yet poorly known. The hours Of twilight {Oltowed by
darkness is the best feeding tirnö for these animals. The night is really alive with
such nocturnal creatures. They inhabit Olmos' every comer Offhe globe. They ore
not from Antarctica, Arctic tundra remote oceanic islands. Bots are
unique elegant and fascinating, They ore the only mammals who mastered true,
sustained flight much before man's own lineage began. More than Of all
mammal species are bats. They 'See' With their ears, hang upside to sleep by
day ond can catch insects while flying even in the darkest 0/ nights.
Wing' forms 0 basis for Classifying os separote order Of Mammals. The
order Chiroptera (Greek Pteros•wing), Which includes 1242 species.

