Gigawatt PV Technology Workshop


The emphasis on solar energy is crucial for both academic inquiry and industrial innovation, as it plays a significant role in advancing sustainable energy solutions and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. The workshop is designed to foster a collborative environment where participants can explore emerging technologies, share insights and develop strategies to voercome the hurdles faced in optimising solar power. Through this dialogue, GWPVtech sima so drive progress in the field and contribute to the broader goal of a more sustainable and energy-efficient future.

India stands at the cusp of a solar revolatuion. The country's PV production capacity is on a robust upswing, and with comes the critical need for high-quality production processes that are not only efficient but also sustainable. The Indian market's growth potential is immense, but to fully realise this potential it is essential that the industry is supported by cutting-edge technology, innovative machinery, and strong scientific research. 

This is where the GWPVtech Workshop plays a pivotal role. Our aim is to bring together the PV-producing industry in India with leading European machine builders, as well as top researchers and scientists from universities and institutes across the globe. By fostering this collaboration, we can ensure that the Indian PV industry not only grows but thrives on a foundation of quality innovation and scientific excellence. The synergiest hat emerge from thsi workshop will be vital in shaping the future of PV production in India. By combining the expertise of European technology providers with the insights and knowledge from academia, we can create a powerful ecosystem that supports the development of high quality PV prducts tailored to the specific needs of the Indian market.