Research Articles
An Experimental Study of Natural Convection in Porous Media Heated from below
Published 2021-08-26
Copyright (c) 2011

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The present experimental study is carried out using a rectangular cavity packed with porous medium such as iron balls or glass balls of different diameters and hence different porosity. The lower plate is maintained at a uniform temperature Th, which is higher than the temperature Tc of upper plate. The experiment is performed for both closed and open systems in vertical as well as horizontal orientation of the test box. When ( Th - Tc ) is increased beyond a certain value, convective motion takes place in the fluid. The results of the experiment indicate that a porous medium can transport more energy than a saturated fluid alone if the porous matrix is highly permeable and thermal conductivity of solid particles is greater than that of fluid. This experiment also shows that convective effect is more in open system i.e., free boundary at the top. It is also observed that the time taken to reach the thermal steady state is less in the horizontal orientation as compared to the vertical orientation. In this study, the relationship between Rayleigh and Nusselt numbers has been investigated in addition to the expected temperature profile. It is found that the magnitude of temperature for iron balls is about 10% more as compared to glass balls and about 18% higher for vertical orientation as compared to horizontal orientation.References
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