From Instruction to Construction: A Pedagogy for Effective Learning of Science
Published 2005-05-31
Imagine three professionals namely, a computer engineer, c lab technician
and a college teacher have been recoded to icin duty 20 years Offer they had quit
their jobs. You would agree with me that the first two - the engineer and the
technician, would reluctant to accept invitation citing the tremendous changes
in their respective fields. Their professions would have progressed significantly,
instruments would all be sophisticated and new; and many Of the procedures now
in practice would be unfamiliar to the incumbents. I am equally sure that the poor
teacher alone would not hesitate to accept the invi*otion. She be almost Sure
to find the same classroom, nearly the same curriculum. the' same texts aræ the
sa me methodology! Even if there were marginal changes they would offer her little