Research Articles
The Effect of Particle Drag and Wall Absorption on Mass Transfer in Concentric Annulus Flows
Published 2021-08-26
Copyright (c) 2011

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The effects of the irreversible boundary reaction and the particle drag on mass transfer are studied analytically in concentric annulus flows. The solution of mathematical model, based on the generalized dispersion model brings out the mass transport following by the insertion of catheter on an artery in terms of the three effective transport coefficients, viz., the exchange, convection and diffusion coefficient. A general expression is derived which shows clearly the time dependent nature of the coefficients in the dispersive model. The complete time dependent expression for the exchange coefficient is obtained explicitly and independent of velocity distribution in the flow; however it does depend on the initial solute distribution. Because of the complexity of the problem only asymptotic large time evaluations are made for the convective and diffusion coefficients, but these are sufficient to give the physical insight into the nature of the problem of the effects of drag and absorption parameters. It is found that as absorption parameter increases exchange and convection coefficients will be enhanced, but diffusion coefficient will be reduced. After certain period of time exchange coefficient will be constant for different values annular gap. As the drag parameter increases convection and diffusion coefficients will be reduced. With the enhancement of catheter radius i.e., the annular gap will be reduced then the convection and diffusion coefficients will be decreased.References
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