Published 2020-06-05
- Four gravitational constants; Electro weak fermion; Reduced Planck’s constant
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When mass of any elementary is extremely small/negligible compared to macroscopic bodies, highly curved microscopic space-time can be addressed with large gravitational constants and magnitude of elementary gravitational constant seems to increase with decreasing mass and increasing interaction range. Following the notion of string theory, compactification of 6 un-observable spatial dimensions might be playing a key role in hiding the large magnitudes of the three atomic gravitational constants. In this context, in our earlier publications, we proposed the existence of three large atomic gravitational constants assumed to be associated with electroweak, strong and electromagnetic interactions. Proceeding further, 1) Electroweak field seems to be operated by a primordial massive fermion of rest energy 585 GeV and can be considered as the zygote of all elementary particles and galactic dark matter; 2) H-bar seems to be a compactified outcome of unified electroweak gravity.
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