Influence of Heat Generation and Thermal Radiation on MHD Flow in a Vertical Micro-Porous-Channel in the Presence of Viscous Dissipation
Published 2021-12-27
- Hydromagnetic,
- wall ambient temperature ratio,
- velocity slip,
- temperature jump
Copyright (c) 2021

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This article analyses the influence of heat generation and thermal radiation on steady hydromagnetic fully developed natural convection flow in a vertical micro-porous–channel in the presence of viscous dissipation. The governing ordinary differential equations, exhibiting the physics of the flow formation are displayed. Using the relevant non–dimensional variables, the governing equations are transformed into their corresponding non–dimensional form and then solved exactly by employing the perturbation technique. The influence of different admissible parameters such as fluid wall interaction parameter, Knudsen number, heat generation parameter, thermal radiation parameter, magnetic parameter, Eckert number, and permeability parameter on the fluid velocity, temperature, skin friction coefficient, and heat transfer coefficient at the micro-porous–channel surfaces is discussed with the aid of line graphs and tables.
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