On the Combined Role of Strong and Electroweak Interactions in Understanding Nuclear Binding Energy Scheme
Published 2021-08-28
- 4G model of final unification; Four gravitational constants; Unified nuclear binding energy scheme; Free or unbound nucleons; Strong interaction; Electroweak interaction
Copyright (c) 2021

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An attempt is made toa model the atomic nucleus as a combination of bound and free or unbound nucleons. Due to strong interaction, bound nucleons help in increasing nuclear binding energy and due to electroweak interaction, free or unbound nucleons help in decreasing nuclear binding energy. In this context, with reference to proposed 4G model of final unification and strong interaction, recently we have developed a unified nuclear binding energy scheme with four simple terms, one energy coefficient of 10.1 MeV and two small numbers 0.0016 and 0.0019. In this paper, by eliminating the number 0.0019, we try to fine tune the estimation procedure of number of free or unbound nucleons pertaining to the second term with an energy coefficient of 11.9 MeV. Interesting observation is that, Z can be considered as a characteristic representation of range of number of bound isotopes of Z.
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