Characterization of Multiphase Polypyrrole/Vanadium Oxide Nano Composites for a.c. Conductivity and Dielectric Properties
Published 2021-08-28
- Polypyrrole; Vanadium Oxide; Nano Composites; Conductivity; Dielectrics
Copyright (c) 2021

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Vanadium oxide: Phase-1 and Phase-2 nano powers were synthesized from vanadium pentoxide in the presence of glucose using hydrothermal technique. The polypyrrole/vanadium oxide (PV P-1 and PV P-2) nano composites were synthesized with 15, 30, 45 and 60 weight percents of vanadium oxide: Phase-1 and Phase-2 in pyrrole, by the chemical polymerization (oxidation) method. The SEM micrographs of vanadium oxide: Phase-1 and Phase-2 nano powders have shown mixture of nano belts & rods and PV P-1 & PV P-2 nano composites indicate that the composites have cluster formation with almost spherical nature particles and form elongated chains at some places. Conductivity versus frequency plots shown that exponential increase for conductivity. The value of s increases to 1.13x10-3 S/cm for 15 wt. % of VO2 P-1 in polypyrrole & to 2.43x10-3 S/cm for 30 wt. % of VO2 P-2 in polypyrrole at 1 MHz.
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