Vol. 21 No. 1 (2022): Mapana Journal of Sciences
Research Articles

Open Support Strong Efficient Domination Number of Some Standard Graphs Under Addition and Multiplication

The Madurai Diraviyam Thayumanavar Hindu College, Tirunelveli
The Madurai DiraviyamThayumanavar Hindu College, Tirunelveli Tamilnadu, India

Published 2022-01-01


  • Strong efficient domination number,
  • Open support strong efficient domination number of a point under addition,
  • open support strong efficient domination number of a graph under addition,
  • open support strong efficient domination number of a point under multiplication and open support strong efficient domination number of a graph under multiplication


Let G = (V, E) be a graph with p points and q nodes. Let S be a ƴse - set of G. Let vЄS.


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