Published 2023-01-18
- Image Processing,
- Hand Gesture,
- Mediapipe,
- Virtual Mouse Control,
- Finger Detection
Copyright (c) 2022

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
We tend to notice a lot of development in the computing world in today’s modern world. Computer science is a technique that combines today's technologies. This paper is also backed by a small portion of AI. This paper shows how to use our computer's window exploitation camera to create a hand gesture-based virtual mouse that allows you to control the entire system by merely moving your fingertips. Finger detecting methods for quick camera access and simple computer software make it even more accessible. A motion tracking mouse is implemented using the system. This technology eliminates the need for a physical mouse, saving time and effort.
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- OpenCV Website –
- Microsoft Research Paper- tp research