Fe3+/Fe2+ - ZnO nanostructures: Synergetic effect of annealing temperature on Structural, Optical and Dielectric properties
Published 2023-01-18
- Fe3 /Fe2 ,
- Doped Zinc Oxide,
- SEM,
- Photoluminiscence,
- Complex Impedance ...More
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The impact of Fe3+ dopant on structural, morphological and electric properties of ZnO nano materials prepared via co-precipitation methodology is explored in this work. The XRD measurements affirmed the wurtzite hexagonal arrangement with the P63mc space group. Crystalline size, inter-planar spacing, and cell volume of the Fe3+/ZnO-400 were determined to be 38.6 nm, 2.6903 nm and 57.44 Å3, individually. SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope)was utilized for morphological investigations of the surface of samples. The photoluminescence (PL) studies were estimated at 325 nm excitation wavelength via utilizing a photoluminescence spectrometer to observe the emission spectrum of samples. FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) spectrometer was used to measure IR spectra to identify the presence of bonds in the samples with peaks around 536-634 cm-1. Complex impedance measurements of the Fe3+/ZnO-RT and Fe3+/ZnO-400 samples were estimated at 310 K using a galvanostat in the range of frequency from 50 Hz to 5 MHz.
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