Published 2024-07-22
- Intuitionistic Fuzzy Jump graph,
- Effective edge dominating set,
- Evanesce number
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Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graphs (InFGs) serve as a sophisticated framework for modeling complex and uncertain phenomena across diverse domains, such as decision-making, economics, medicine, computer science, and engineering. In this research, we develop and analyse the properties of jump graphs in the context of InFGs. The vertex set of the jump graph J(G) of a graph G is defined as the edge set of G, with adjacency between vertices in J(G) established if and only if the corresponding edges in G are non-incident. We systematically construct sequences of jump graphs for InFGs through iterative processes and investigate the structural characteristics of these sequences. Moreover, we introduce the concept of an effective edge dominating set for jump graphs of InFGs and rigorously determine the effective edge domination number for certain classes of graphs. These contributions enhance the theoretical foundation of InFGs and extend
their applicability to solving real-world problems characterized by uncertainty and complexity
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