Research Articles
Published 2023-07-19
- σ− coloring,
- Sigma Chromatic number,
- Barbell Graph,
- Twig graph,
- Shell graph
- Tadpole,
- Lollipop ...More
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The Sigma coloring of a graph G with n vertices is an injection from V(G) to {1,2,3...,n} such that the color sums (adding the colors of the neighbouring vertices) of any two neighbouring vertices are different. The smallest number of colours needed to color a graph G is represented by its Sigma Chromatic number. In this article we obtain the sigma -coloring of some graphs such as Barbell Graph, Twig graph, Shell graph,Tadpole, Lollipop, Fusing all the vertices of cycle and duplication of every edge by a vertex in cycle.
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