Published 2023-07-19
- Topological cordial graph,
- coconut tree,
- cycle,
- semi - Udukkai graph,
- graph operations
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A topological cordial labeling of a graph G = (V(G), E(G)) with |V(G)| = n is an injective function f :V(G) →2X where X is any non – empty set such that |X| < n and {f(V(G))} forms a topology on X, that induces a function f*: E(G) →{0,1} defined by f*(uv) = 1 if f(u)∩f(v) is not an empty set and not a singleton set and 0 otherwise for all uv ϵ E(G) such that |ef (0) – ef (1)| ≤ 1, where ef (0) = number of edges labelled with 0 and ef (1) = number of edges labelled with 1. The graph which admits a topological cordial labeling is called a topological cordial graph. In this paper, topological cordial labeling of some special graphs are discussed.
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