Vol. 22 No. 2 (2023): Mapana Journal of Sciences
Research Articles

Interference and Diffraction of Quantum Particles Revisited

T Shivalingaswamy
Government College for Women, M.C Road, Mandya-571401

Published 2023-07-14


  • Interference,
  • Diffraction,
  • Path Integral Formulation


Interference and diffraction phenomena are the basic properties shown by waves. De-Broglie concept of matter waves brought in the extended version of wave properties of material particles.  Wave properties of quantum particles are important to understand various phenomena in physics. Matter waves are a core part of quantum theory. Now wave-particle duality is exploited for many applications such as imaging microscopic particles using electron microscopes etc. Here we deduce the interference and diffraction of quantum particles on the basis of the propagation amplitude according to the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics. The intensity distribution due to interference and diffraction of quantum particles are compared with those obtained from the formal methods. The results agree with the traditional approach assuming a deBroglie wave associated with particles.


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