Published 2024-11-06
- telestroke systems,
- advanced technology integration,
- stroke diagnosis,
- stroke treatment,
- remote settings
- artificial intelligence,
- remote monitoring systems,
- telemedicine,
- mobile applications,
- patient outcomes,
- healthcare costs,
- access to care,
- machine learning,
- distributed systems ...More
Copyright (c) 2024

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Abstract— Telestroke systems have transformed the way stroke patients are diagnosed and treated in remote settings. However, there is still room for improvement to optimize stroke care delivery. The integration of advanced technologies into telestroke systems can enhance stroke diagnosis and treatment, leading to better patient outcomes and reduced healthcare costs. In this discussion, we explored various technologies, such as artificial intelligence, remote monitoring systems, telemedicine, and mobile applications, that can be integrated into telestroke systems to improve stroke care delivery. These technologies can enable accurate and timely diagnosis, facilitate remote consultations, monitor patients' conditions, and improve communication among healthcare providers. By integrating advanced technologies into telestroke systems, healthcare providers can improve stroke care delivery, particularly in underserved areas, and increase access to specialized stroke care, resulting in better patient outcomes.
Keywords- telestroke systems, advanced technology integration, stroke diagnosis, stroke treatment, remote settings, artificial intelligence, remote monitoring systems.
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