Vol. 22 No. Special Issue 2 (2023): Mapana-Journal of Sciences
Research Articles

A Survey on Spoofing and Selective Forwarding Attacks on Zigbee based WSN

Nethra Pingala Suthishni D
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women
D. Shanmugapriya
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women

Published 2023-12-27


  • Zigbee,
  • WSN,
  • Protocol Stack,
  • Spoofing,
  • Selective Forwarding


The main focus of WSN is to gather data from the physical world. It is often deployed for sensing, processing as well as disseminating information of the targeted physical environments. The main objective of the WSN is to collect data from the target environment using sensors as well as transmit those data to the desired place of choice. In order to achieve an efficient performance, WSN should have efficient as well as reliable networking protocols. The most popular technology behind WSN is Zigbee. In this paper a pilot study is done on important security issues on spoofing and selective forwarding attack on Zigbee based WSN. This paper identifies the security vulnerabilities of Zigbee network and gaps in the existing methodologies to address the security issues and will help the future researchers to narrow down their research in WSN.
Keywords: Zigbee, WSN, Protocol Stack, Spoofing and Selective Forwarding.


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