Demographic implementation of Snares: A Review on Wildlife Hunting and Poaching


  • Sujayaraj Samuel Jayakumar Karnatak University Dharwad, Karnataka State
  • C F Mulimani



Snares, Traps, Hunting, Poaching, Evidence, Crime scene, Wild Animals


Trapping, an ancient method employed for hunting or poaching in the wild, has witnessed minimal change in its impact on both targeted and non-targeted wildlife populations, with snares emerging as a prevalent trapping tool. Motivations for adopting snares include increased bush meat demand, rituals, and entrenched beliefs driven by their cost-effectiveness and efficiency. This study explores various snare types and examines their scientific implications for the demographic impacts on terrestrial mammals and birds. Data were procured from national and international web portals related to crime scene investigations and evidence, which aided in identifying taxonomic diversity and the frequency of occurrence of susceptible species. Our review highlights that the increasing wildlife crimes, driven by forest exploitation and encroachment, are threatening endangered species. This underscores the need for actionable management strategies and the broad dissemination of research findings. Utilizing tools like the Spatial Monitoring Tool (SMART) is crucial for effectively combating snare hunting and poaching. Although snaring impacts wildlife, some regions still have thriving populations, emphasizing the need for continuous patrolling and monitoring. To address these challenges, we recommend routine security patrolling, the involvement of forensic experts, and adherence to standard operating procedures with skilled personnel to enhance wildlife protection.


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