Investigating the Break Up of Excited Hassium-270 Through Hot Alpha Emission: A Dynamical Cluster-Decay Model Approach
Published 2024-07-04
- Alpha decay,
- Superheavy Elements,
- Fission,
- Fusion,
- Half-Life
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Identifying and characterizing the decay chains forms a crucial part of nuclide identification in the synthesis of super-heavy elements (SHEs), which is achieved via cold or hot fusion reactions. A systematic theoretical calculation of alpha-decay half-lives in this region of the periodic system may be useful in the identification of new nuclei in both types of reactions. Here, we obtain the alpha-decay half-lives in the framework of the dynamical cluster-decay model (DCM) based on quantum mechanical fragmentation theory (QMFT), built using pre-formation probability and penetration probability. We calculate the α-decay half-life using the DCM (ℓ = 0 case), which considers the compound nucleus hot due to its recoil energy after neutron emission, providing a more accurate description than other models. Decay half-lives are compared with experimental results.
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