A Mini-Review on Laser-Produced Plasma in an External Magnetic Field: Plasma Confinement and Optical Emission Enhancement
Published 2024-12-23
- Laser ablation,
- Magnetic confinement,
- Enhancement of Optical emission
Copyright (c) 2024

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The present work aims to provide an overview of magnetic-assisted ablation and subsequent production of plasma by laser. The paper discusses physical phenomena involved in magnetic field-assisted ablation, such as laser ablation efficiency enhancement, improvement in optical emission, plasma plume confinement, instability, and so on. It systematically reviews the studies conducted in the previous seven years on the effect of magnetic field on material removal using laser, which will help researchers in assessing current challenges and uses of magnetized laser plasma. It describes experimental techniques such as optical emission spectroscopy and imaging. This paper aims to help researchers investigating laser plasmas in understanding the fundamentals of magnetic field-assisted laser ablation, specifically focusing on physical phenomena, major challenges, methodologies, and applications.
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