Vol. 23 No. 4 (2024): Mapana Journal of Sciences
Research Articles

Novel Approach For Personal Identification Using Dorsal Knuckle Crease Patterns: A Pilot Study

Prachi Sharma Biswas
Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya Indore, M.P.
Swati Dubey Mishra
Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

Published 2024-12-23


  • Dactyloscopy,
  • Anthropometry,
  • Minutiae,
  • Knuckle crease,
  • Proximal interphalangeal


Despite the availability of various identification methods, such as fingerprints, ridge density, palm prints, and vein patterns, forensic identification remains a complex challenge. While substantial research has been conducted on the palmar surface of the hand, there has been limited focus on the dorsal surface for identification purposes. The dorsal surface, like fingerprints, contains minutiae and skin crease patterns believed to be permanent. The crease patterns present on the dorsal side of the proximal interphalangeal joints are known as knuckle crease patterns.

This research aimed to classify and examine the characteristics of dorsal finger knuckle crease patterns and to explore their potential for determining sex. A total of 800 finger image samples were collected from 80 subjects. The knuckle crease patterns were categorised into six distinct types: Horizontal, Vertical, Oblique, Semi-lunar, Mixed, and Cross patterns. Additionally, the study investigated sex determination based on the distance between creases, revealing that males tend to have a greater average distance between ridges than females. This difference was statistically confirmed using a t-test with a 95% confidence level.

The findings indicate that finger knuckle crease patterns are unique, individual, and classifiable, making them a valuable tool for identification and potentially aiding forensic investigations.


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