The Study of Navier Slip Condition on the Flow and Heat Transfer in a Coolant Surrounded an Exponentially Stretching Sheet
Published 2021-08-28
- MHD,
- Exponential stretching sheet,
- Newtonian fluid,
- Navier slip,
- Differential transform method.
Copyright (c) 2015

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The paper presents the study of velocity profiles in a hydrodynamic flow and heat transfer in a Newtonian fluid over an exponentially stretching sheet. Navier slip condition is used at the boundary. The stretching of the sheet is assumed to be nonlinearly proportional to the distance from slit. Non-linear partial differential equations characterize the flow phenomenon with boundary conditions in a semi infinite domain. The equations are transformed to nonlinear ordinary differential equations by applying suitable local similarity transformation. The series solution of the transformed equations are obtained by using differential transform method and Pade approximation with assistance from the shooting method in obtaining the unknown initial values. The solution is obtained in a power series with assured convergence. The effects of various parameters on velocity and temperature profiles are presented graphically.
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