Bacterial decolourization of azo dyes Amrita Nair, Nandini Rajendhiran, R Varsha, Biljo V Joseph, V L Vasantha 1-12 PDF
Effect of Inoculum Density and Different Media on the Growth of Hairy Roots and Production of Withanolide-A from Withaniasomnifera Praveen Nagella, H N Murthy 13-22 PDF
Comparative Study of Various Metals in the Sewage Samples of Three Major Drains of the City-Patna, Bihar, India D Sayantan, S Shardendu 23-35 PDF
An Efficient Method of Production of Colloidal Chitin for Enumeration of Chitinase Producing Bacteria Shaun Joe, Suma Sarojini 37-45 PDF