Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Motivation on Job Satisfaction among “Mystery Shoppers”


  • Anand Shankar Raja M



This research paper focuses on “Mystery Shopping”,
making mystery shoppers the target respondents of this
research study. While previous studies have taken into
consideration the motivational aspect, this research
extends the scope to consider EI and its mediation
between motivation and job satisfaction. Simple
percentage analysis has been used to analyse the
demographic profile of the respondents as well as an
Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and corresponding
CFA. The hypothesized eleven factors of CFA (4 factors
for motivation, 5 factors for Emotional Intelligence and 2
factors for job satisfaction) model fits the sample data
very well. The major rule of thumb RMSEA is .87, RMR is
0.30 and AGFI is .891 which has satisfied the CFA model
fit criteria. It is found that job satisfaction is enhanced
only through motivation directly rather than being
mediated by EI. Thus the lacking aspects have to be
considered by the mystery shoppers to enhance job
satisfaction through a well-balanced emotional state.

Author Biography

Anand Shankar Raja M

 Christ University, Bangalore, India




How to Cite

M, A. S. R. (2021). Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Motivation on Job Satisfaction among “Mystery Shoppers”. Ushus Journal of Business Management, 16(2), 31-44.