Organizational Citizenship Behaviours - Antecedents, Outcomes & Paradoxes: A Literature Review


  • Aniisu Verghese Alliance University



Organizational citizenship behaviours, compulsory citizenship behaviours, organizational effectiveness


Organizational Citizenship Behaviours(OCBs) have a
significant impact on how employees go over and beyond
at the workplace and form a competitive edge for their
firms. Grounded in industrial-organizational psychology,
OCBs provide insights for leaders and managers to align
and engage staff to improve organizational effectiveness.
While a lot of studies have focused on the benefits of
citizenship behaviours, there are paradoxes which need
more attention. This paper reviews the literature on
OCBs, the antecedents, outcomes and paradoxes when
excessive OCBs can come in the way of organizational


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How to Cite

Verghese, A. . (2020). Organizational Citizenship Behaviours - Antecedents, Outcomes & Paradoxes: A Literature Review. Ushus Journal of Business Management, 19(4), 27-37.