Ethical Leadership Behaviour of Principals in Relation to Organizational Commitment of BEd College Teachers
Organization, commitment, ethical, leadership, behaviour of principalsAbstract
The present study is an attempt to investigate the ethical leadership behaviour of principals in relation to organizational commitment of BEd college teachers. A sample of 200 BEd College teachers was selected by stratified random sampling technique. Due representation was given to male and female teachers and type of management namely private aided and private unaided colleges. Appropriate tools were administered and the data collected was analyzed by using’-test and co-efficient of co- relation. It was found that there was a significant positive correlation between ethical leadership behaviour of college principals and organizational commitment of BEd college teachers also revealed that teachers working under principals with high and moderate ethical leadership behaviour had higher levels of commitment than teachers working under principals with low ethical behaviour. Teachers working in private aided colleges, teachers on permanent basis and more experienced teachers had higher levels of organizational commitment. The study implies the need for principals to practice ethical behaviour.
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