Unhealthy Eating Practices: Identification of Contributing Factors amongst the Youth in Shimla
Unhealthy, Eating Habits, Modern lifestyle, YouthAbstract
Eating habits have been a major concern amongst the youth as a determinant of health status.
There has been a major change in the eating habits of the young, with an increase in consumption of animal products, starchy food (fries and potato chips) and fats. Eating out is on the rise and is likely to be associated with a much higher intake of calories and fats. Working conditions often demand long, irregular hours in front of computers, with fast food and aerated soft drinks within easy reach. Peer pressure is significantly responsible for a dramatic rise in alcohol and smoking (India Today, 2013).
This qualitative study aims to assess the pattern of eating habits and its contributing factors along with defining the areas where prevention, intervention and education can play a vital role in guiding the youth towards healthy eating habits. Several unhealthy eating habits researched through available secondary resources and collection of contributing factors through interviews and questionnaire response of the youth form the methodology for this study.
The contributing factors that are identified like poor nutritional education, family environment, peer influence, work pressure and monetary status are finally grouped under four major categories namely Individual, Economic, Social and Environmental factors.
The suggestions provided for abstaining the youth from unhealthy eating may be useful for creating awareness, hence developing a health mind and body in today's youth.
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