Gender Biases and Discrimination while Hiring
Gender Bias, Hiring Policy, Gender Stereotyping, Employment marketAbstract
In the employment market, hiring processes in the organisations are often considered to perpetuate gender equality. The discrimination prevails through implicit and in-group biases. During hiring decisions, marked gender differences in the hiring standards continue to exist for women and men. Counter balancing attempts, such as demonstrating agentic behaviour seem to have been unfavourable in receiving appreciations. Factors like „accumulation of advantage‟, „physical attractiveness‟ and so forth adds to the „threat‟ for the woman candidate. The article proposes that sustained and concrete processes need to be ensured that would defuse gender stereotyping, the latter being an outcome of the human tendency to carve the world into in-group and out-group. Two methods to neutralise gender biases while hiring are recommended in the concluding section.
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