Australia-US Alliance and Strategic Geometry in the Indo-Pacific Region: An Evaluation
US-Australia relations, Indo-Pacific region, strategic relations, Defence White Papers, FONOPSAbstract
The 21st Century is witnessing a significant change in the strategic landscape. The US hegemonic power that provided the stability for almost seven decades is in relative decline. Over the past decade, amidst the receding hegemonic status of the US, nation states, and especially the rising powers, are reformulating their foreign policy to reposition themselves in the strategic transformation by enhancing their defence capabilities, asserting militarily and forming countervailing alliances. Countries such as China, Russia, France and Germany, have challenged U.S. unilateralism in the United Nations and other forums such as NATO, whenever their interests have not converged with the United States. This receding trend of hegemonic influence is visible in the Kosovo crisis, Iraq war, and recently in the Ukrainian and Syrian crisis.
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