Internet Addiction, Locus of Control and Resilience
Internet Addiction, Locus of Control, emerging adults, ResilienceAbstract
The study investigates the difference in the Locus of Control and Resilience with respect to different levels of Internet Addiction as well as their impact on Internet Addiction among emerging adults. It assesses Internet Addiction levels, investigates the association between Internet Addiction, Locus of Control and Resilience and analyses gender difference. Internet Addiction Test by Young, Locus of Control (LOC-Scale) Scale developed by Rotter (1966) and The Brief Resilience Scale were used. Pearson’s product-moment correlation analysis was used to evaluate the association between Internet Addiction, Locus of Control and Resilience. An independent t-test was used to test whether there is a statistical difference between gender and internet addiction at different levels. One-way ANOVA was used to investigate the gender difference in Internet Addiction, Locus of Control and Resilience respectively. The research findings show that there is a significant relationship between Internet Addiction, Locus of Control and Resilience as well as significant gender difference in Internet Addiction. A significant difference in Resilience among the different levels of Internet Addiction was also found in the study.
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