Management of Anxiety in Pre-Operative CABG Clients
Coronary Heart Disease, Anxiety Management, Benson’s Relaxation, Coronary Artery, Bypass GraftingAbstract
Anxiety and stress affect cardiac functions leading to the development of various heart diseases including Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) where cholesterol build-up leads to coronary artery occlusion causing angina, cardiac arrest and possible death. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) is a surgical procedure to treat CAD in severe cases. This study aims to employ psychological intervention to reduce anxiety in pre-operative CABG patients. A case-control study measuring anxiety levels was conducted in 30 participants. They received psychological interventions and their anxiety levels were determined by administering HAM-A rating scales pre and post assessment prior to surgery. The intervention group had better prognosis and recovery after CABG than the control group who received no psychological intervention. Reduction in anxiety pre-surgery leads to a better outcome.
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