Bangladeshi Migration to India—The Causal Factors at the Origin
Illegal Migration, Bangladesh, India, Environmental, Social, EconomicAbstract
Migration that involves the crossing of international borders of sovereign countries is a major issue that affects international relations. Illegal Bangladeshi migration to India is one such issue. Bangladeshi migration to India is a result of many factors – environmental, economic, social, and political—each one acting alone or in combination, causing migration. Factors that cause Bangladeshi migration to India are many. Scholars categorise them broadly into “Push” and “Pull” factors. Bangladesh is a country where millions of people are displaced every year due to natural disasters like floods, cyclones, riverbank erosions, and salinity. Added to it, poor economic conditions in Bangladesh and the resultant economic distress have pushed people to cross over to India. The minority communities of Bangladesh, mainly the Hindus, have migrated to India, faced with communal tension and religious discrimination as a result of the Islamisation of the society and polity of Bangladesh. This paper examines the factors that induce migration at the origin—Bangladesh. It also argues that India’s effort to stop illegal migration will be successful only if there is a perceptible change in the migration inducing factors at the origin.
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