The Mystical, Chaotic, and Atemporal: Neocolonialist Literature in Moroccan Secondary Education


  • Rachid Benharrousse Mohammed V University in Rabat



Education, Colonialism, Morocco, Neocolonialism, Francophone Literature, Orientalism


Because France has colonized Morocco, the Moroccan Educational system became colonial. French protectorate implemented assimilation, then an adaptation approach to education. Even in post-independence Morocco, the French system continues to structure Moroccan education albeit with the diverse reforms from 1956. Hence, the literature assigned in Moroccan secondary education establishes neocolonialist tropes; that is, Morocco is represented as a mystical, chaotic, atemporal, and backward space. Naguib Mahfouz’s The Thief and the Dogs, Ahmed Sefrioui’s The Box of Wonders, and Mohammed Khair-Eddine’s Il était une fois un vieux couple heureux  legitimize Morocco’s need for westernization and Modernity. Accordingly, the neocolonial traces are to be found also in the literature assigned in the Moroccan secondary curriculum.

Author Biography

Rachid Benharrousse, Mohammed V University in Rabat

Doctoral Candidate, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco.


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