The Influence of Entrepreneurship Orienta-tion on Loan Repayment: Evidence from Morogoro and Mvomero Teachers Savings and Credits Cooperative Societies (SACCOS) Ltd.
Entrepreneurship orientation, Loan repayment in SACCOS, Tanzania, TeachersAbstract
This study assessed how entrepreneurship orientation influenced the loan repayment performance of the teachers from Morogoro and Mvomero SACCOS. It specifically looked at how innovation, proactiveness, risk-taking, competitive aggressiveness and autonomy influenced loan repayment performance. The study applied descriptive and explanatory designs and systematic sampling to select 96 borrowers for the survey. The data were collected using a questionnaire while the analysis was done using descriptive and regression analysis. The findings from the regression analysis indicate that competitive aggressiveness and autonomy positively and significantly influenced the loan repayment performance while innovation influenced the loan repayment performance negatively. The study also revealed that proactiveness and risk-taking did not influence loan repayment. It recommends the government to initiate the policies which will enforce the entrepreneurship training for SACCOS clients.
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