Nostalgic Consumers: A Study of the Impact of Nostalgia Marketing on the Consumers
Nostalgia marketing, marketing, consumer culture, consumer behaviour, brands, marketing psychologyAbstract
“Nostalgia in marketing is a marketing strategy that brands use; they use themes or products from the past in their current marketing strategy to create a unique emotional feeling in customers.” (Jones, 2015) Nostalgia is a psychological phenomenon which many brands use by aligning their products and/or services with their consumers’ positive memories of the past. This paper offers evidence that nostalgia marketing actually works through the context of two popular brands across the Indian subcontinent: Rasna and Tang. This paper also analyzes how various factors such as age, gender, and religious festivals impact nostalgia marketing. It investigates how nostalgia directly impacts consumers’ purchase behavior, their repurchase decisions, their loyalty, their trust towards the brands, and their product recommendations.
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