Influence of Quality of Work Life and Job Attitude on Affective Commitment: A Study of Managerial Personnel
Quality of work life, Job attitude, Affective commitment, ManagerAbstract
The present study intends to understand the influence ofmanagers‟ perception of quality of work life and jobattitude on their affective commitment. The study wascarried out in different private and public organizations/companies located in New Delhi and its National CapitalRegion (NCR). Data was collected from 300 managersthrough convenience sampling method. Analysis of thedata was done using stepwise multiple regressionanalysis and t-test. Results revealed that in privateundertakings neither quality of work life nor job attitudepredicted affective commitment of managers. Quality ofwork life predicted affective commitment of managers inpublic undertakings. Results further revealed significantdifference between managers of private and publicundertakings on all the measured variables such asQuality of Work Life, Job Attitude and AffectiveCommitment. The findings imply that organizations inboth the sectors need to understand and managemanagers‟ quality of work life and provide them withsuitable interpersonal atmosphere to develop positive jobattitude so that their level of affective commitment couldbe enhanced. Results are explained in the light of presentscenario in existing private and public undertakings.
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