Rehabilitation Needs of Persons with Schizophrenia and their Families
Schizophrenia, Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation needs, Users, FamiliesAbstract
Schizophrenia, a major mental illness, is associated withdisability in almost all areas of living. A psychosocialrehabilitation programme that comprehensivelyaddresses the needs felt by users is essential for themanagement of this disability. This paper aims at givinginsights about the perceived rehabilitation needs ofpersons with schizophrenia and their primary caregivers.The sample consisted of 30 out-patients diagnosed withSchizophrenia (ICD-10 criteria), and their respectivecaregivers (30 in number). Perceived rehabilitation needswere assessed using the Rehabilitation Needs AssessmentSchedule (Nagaswami et al, 1985). The major needsidentified by patients as well as caregivers were attitudemodification, employment, and help for the family.Additionally, caregivers expressed a need for skillstraining and options for leisure time engagement for theirwards. These findings have implications for planningpsychosocial rehabilitation programmes.
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