Foster Care–Importance of Transition Planning Practice-based Research: An Elaborative, Explorative Approach
Foster care, Care leaving, Transition planning, Practice based researchAbstract
Although, foster care is relatively widespread in Switzerland, the professional transition planning of the transfer of decision-making abilities, after the foster children attain the age of majority, is a topic, which has rarely been taken into account so far. However, it is important that transition planning, including all administrative, transfer of decision-making abilities, and guardianship processes, should begin at least one year before the age of majority (the age of consent in Switzerland is 18). Even so, professional transition planning is barely standardised and institutionalised yet. In this practice-based research study the current situation and the perception of the relevant groups, the need of the practice, and foster families have been analysed. Therefore, qualitative data collection methods have been used to focus on a multi-perspective approach, including that on foster parents and social workers at official municipality-level. Several relevant topics and aspects, such as applicable administrative tasks or residential issues, which are considered to be of particular relevance and therefore have to be addressed during the transition planning process, have been found. Moreover, important emotional and social aspects were identified.
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