Psychosocial Problems among Children in Difficult Circumstances
Children in difficult circumstances, Psychosocial care, Behaviour problem, Adjustment, Self-esteemAbstract
Childhood is the most important phase in a person’s life. The conducive environment available during this stage of life determines positive psychosocial development of an individual. The current study was conducted among 338 children in difficult circumstances to assess the stress, behaviour problem, adjustment in the areas of home, school, teachers, general and peers and self esteem. The results of the study brought out that, children in difficult circumstances undergo moderate to high stress. These children also exhibited higher behaviour problems which is antisocial and neurotic in nature. The adjustment is poor, especially, in the areas of general adjustment, teacher and school. The self esteem is also found to be average to poor. The results highlight the need for psychosocial interventions which are curative, preventive and promotive in nature to address the problems experienced by the children.
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