Investigating the Internet Skills of Older Adults in South Africa
Older adult, Grey divide, Digital skills, Digital inclusion, Social inclusion, Internet Skills Scale (ISS)Abstract
The older adult population is growing in South Africa. However, it is reported that approximately only 3.6% of older adults use the Internet. Using information technology resources and the internet can enable older adults to be independent for longer, and the internet may improve older adults’ quality of life. Additionally, access to technology and the internet supports access to information and digital inclusion. This study investigated older adults’ level of internet skills in South Africa and their experiences regarding internet use. The research followed a positivist, quantitative approach and used online questionnaires for data collection. The results showed that older adults appear to be lacking in internet skills in South Africa. The overall mean scores were low, where mobile skills seemed to be the lowest-rated skill for the respondents. The evaluation also showed that online operational and creativity skills appeared low for older adults.
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