Regional Imbalance in the Service Level Benchmarking of Urban Local Bodies (UBLS) in Karnataka
Regional imbalance, UBLs, Karnataka, Index, ExpenditureAbstract
In India urbanisation has increased from 27.81 per cent in 2001 to 31.16 per cent in 2011. The same trend has even continued in Karnataka also i.e. from 34 per cent in 2001 to 38.57 per cent in 2011. As Urban Local Bodies [ULBs] are the major service providers in urban areas, the disparities in their income, expenditure, and functional abilities are an index of regional disparities (HPCFRRI, 2002). The role of urban local bodies cannot be ignored. Hence, this study considers regional imbalance in the service level benchmarking of urban local bodies (ubls) in Karnataka. The result of the study shows that North Karnataka in general and Hyderabad Karnataka in particular are under developed in urban service level benchmarking alike the most of the sectors in the state. Hence, special attention is to be paid for this region both in planning and allocation of money. This study suggests that more powers should be given to Urban Local Bodies and its elected representatives. Further, a monitoring mechanism should be set up in lower performing sectors so that targets can be achieved.
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