Impact of Climate Change on Human Development in India: Identifying Links and Need for Adaptation Strategies
Climate Change, Mitigation, Adaptation, Millennium Development GoalsAbstract
Climate change is a global environmental problem which has been receiving intense political attention both at the domestic and international levels. Climate change is a human development issue which undermines expanding human potential, developing capabilities and enlarging freedom. I poses major obstacles to progress in meeting MDGs and maintaining progress raising the HDI. The present paper will focus on the specific issues related to the impacts on climate change on human development in India. Climate change is intimately linked to the broader sustainable development agenda to reduce poverty, child mortality and morbidity, and to ensure universal primary education for all children. Hence climate change is threatening the capacity of the country to attain the Millennium development goals by 2015. The study is mainly based on secondary data. The various sources include human development reports, UNDP reports, ADB reports, published and unpublished documents including journals, books, occasional publications, working papers, popular magazine and annual publications of social development organizations. Concerted action to strengthen key features of health systems and to promote sustainable and healthy development choices can enhance current health conditions as well as reduce vulnerability to future climate change. Efforts to address climate change adaptation needs should not take resources away from the core development needs and growth objectives of the developing countries. The present paper is an attempt in this regard.
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