Life Skills Education (LSE) for Juvenile Delinquent: Developing a Behaviour Health Promotional Model
juvenile delinquent, behavioural health promotion, life skillsAbstract
Juvenile delinquency is a rising problem all over the world and in India. Over the years researches have been conducted to coin a suitable intervention strategy and models that would decrease delinquent behaviour and promote pro-social development. Practical techniques are required to resolve their behavioural health issues and address their mental health problems. The current study examines the behavioural problems of juvenile delinquents in the observation homes in India and assesses the application and the effectiveness of intervention provided to them through Life Skills Education (LSE) module. Life Skill Education intervention comes up to be an effective and active learning method of behavioural health promotion, if built into a model that addresses the behavioural needs of juvenile delinquents.
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