Ashtanga Yoga for Individual and Societal Wellbeing


  • M Y Manjula SDM College, Ujire – 574 240, Karnataka, India.



Asthanga Yoga, Well - being


Are happiness and well-being are not synonymous? Some say yes. There are others who say well-being = happiness + meaning. Subjective wellbeing (SWB) is the aspect of happiness that can be empirically measured. It is a combination of positive affect and general life satisfaction. This study explores Ashtanga Yoga as a tool for individual and societal wellbeing. Yoga is not a set of contorted postures and breathing exercises as it is being popularised today. The yogic way of life is not other-worldly. It offers a holistic life style full of bliss, peace and tranquillity. A person who is tranquil and has peace within himself will spread it around, and in the process peace, tranquillity, happiness and wellbeing will prevail in such a society.

Author Biography

M Y Manjula, SDM College, Ujire – 574 240, Karnataka, India.

Reader and Head, Department of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College, Ujire – 574 240, Karnataka, India.


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