Efficacy of Psychological Support on the Internet for Hiv Positive Women: A Preliminary Investigation


  • Liju S.R




The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) poses one of the greatest health threats in modern times. More than 25 million people have died of AIDS since 1981. At the end of 2006, women accounted for 48% of all adults living with HIV worldwide with an estimated 17.7 million women living with HIV/AIDS. In this alarming scenario, the authors of this paper conducted a preliminary investigation of the online support services through 'e-groups' for HIV positive women with a view to assessing the quantum of information about HIV and AIDS being made available to the group to understand its likely implications. Peer support is consistently and unambiguously recognized as benefiting promotion of self-care. However, face-to-face peer support interventions, such as self-help groups, are underutilized due to travel


