" Should We Frame Gender Questions Differently? "


  • Etienne Rassendren Department of English, St. Joseph's College, Bangalore.




Gender, Masculinization, Reframing


There has been over some time now the de-disciplining of formerly traditional fields such as the Social Sciences, the Humanities and Languages, which in many significant ways have altered the categories of contemporary thought radically. This is perceived as advancement in critical thinking, but the all too facile and felicitous deployment of such ideas discredits intellectual rigor as it leaves unmarked the limits of such empowering border-crossings. While we need not mourn category-failure, we have to resist easy re-namings of certain fields such as Feminisms and Gender Studies. Yet it may also be equally simplistic not to redefine and extend the current dimensions of such knowledges to include both the re-theorizing of such fields, given the changing nature of thinking and practice in the contemporary context. Hence it is relevant to ask: Should we frame gender questions differently? But it is equally important to resist the debunking of questions of gender in favor of ambiguating even the salutary contributions of feminism and gender studies. It is precisely this contradiction, one that seeks disruption for its own sake, that I wish to investigate and respond to. True, there will be more questions than answers in this respect but it is precisely those I wish to raise in the current article.

Author Biography

Etienne Rassendren, Department of English, St. Joseph's College, Bangalore.

Department of English, St. Joseph's College, Bangalore.


John, Mary E and Janaki Nair (Ed) A Question of Silence? The Secual Economies of Modern India, New Delhi: Kali For Women 1998.

Rao, Anupama (Ed) Sunder Rajan, Rajeswari (Ed. Series) Issues in Contemporary Indian Feminism: Gender and Caste New Delhi: Kali For Women/Women Unlimited 2003/2006.

Sangari, Kumkum and Vaid, Sudesh Recasting Women: Essays in Colonial History New Delhi: Kali For Women 1989.

White, Hayden, The Content of Form: Narrative Discourse and Historical Representation Baltimore/London The John Hopkins University Press 1987.

Tharu, Susie, and Niranjana, Tejaswini "Problems For a Contemporary Theory of Gender" Social Scientist, Vol. 22. No. 3-4, March-April, 1994, p. 93-115.

Bakshi, Upendra (2002) "The Second Gujarat Catastrophe" in EPW 24/8/2002.

The Hindu, Sunday Supplement 6th June 2007.

Times of India, 29 Dec 2006.

This article is part of the larger research being carried out under UGC Minor Project Scheme (XI Plan) and titled "Gender and Nation: India and its Narratives and Discourses".

Etienne Rassendren has a PhD in English from the Bangalore University and teaches Critical Theory, Gender Studies and Film Studies in St. Joseph's College, Bangalore.

I am gesturing here the statement "suddenly Women are everywhere" in Tharu, Susie, and Niranjana, Tejaswini "Problems for a Contemporary Theory of Gender "Social Scientist, Vol. 22, No. 3-4, March-April 1994, p. 93-115.

Sangari, Kumkum and Vaid, Sudesh (1989)"Introcution" Recasting Women: Essays in Colonial History, New Delhi: Kali for Women, p.3.

Tharu, Susie, and Niranjana, Tejaswini op. cit. p. 93-115.

I have drawn this idea from John, Mary E and Janaki Nair "A Question Of Silence? An Introduction" in John, Mary E and Janaki Nair(Ed) A Question Of Silence? The Sexual Economies of Modern India, New Delhi: Kali For Women, 1998.

Tharu, Susie "The Impossible Subject: Caste and the Gendered Body" In Rao, Anupama (ed) Sunder Rajan, Rajeswari (Ed. Series) Issues in Contemporary Indian Feminisim: Gender and Caste, New Delhi: Kali for Woemn/ Women Unlimited, 2003/2006.

Chaterjee, Partha 'The Nationalist Resolution Of the Women's Question" Sangari, Kumkum and Vaid, Sudesh (ed) Recasting Women: Essays in Colonial History, New Delhi: Kali For Women, 1989.

Geetha, V in John, Mary E and Janaki Nair(Ed) A Question Of Silence? The Sexual Economies Of Modern India, New Delhi: Kali For Women, 1998.

Ibid., Geetha, V in John, Mary E and Janaki Nair(Ed), 1998.

I have in mind numerous media stories but the one that i refer to here is found in Ibid Geetha, V in John, Mary E and Janaki Nair(Ed), 1998.

Ibid., 1998.

Ibid.' 1998.

Tharu, Susie, and Niranjana, Tejaswini op.cit, 1994, p. 93-115.

Bakshi, Upendra (2002) "The Second Gujarat Catastrophe" in EPW, 24/8/2002, p, 3525.

Rao, Anupama (2003/2006) op. cit, p. 34.

Tharu, Susie, and Niranjana, Tejaswini op. Cit. 1994, p. 97.

Regge, Sharmila "A Dalit Feminist Standpoint" in Rao, Anupama(2003/2006) op. cit., p. 96.

For details, See The Hindu, Sunday Supplement, 6th June 2007.

Tharu, Susie in Rao, Anupama(2003/2006) op.cit. p. 34.

White, Hayeden, The Content Of Form: Narrative Discourse and Historical Representation Baltimore/London, The John Hopkins University Press, 1987.


